
Stories and Advice from Native Plant Enthusiasts

Inspiring stories and tips from native plant enthusiasts, including experts and everyday gardeners.

Interview with Katie Banks Hone, The Monarch Gardener
Tips for Northeast gardeners from a monarch expert.
Interview with Bill Jones, Carolina Native Nursery
Hear Southeastern planting tips from the Johnny Appleseed of native azaleas.
Interview with Chesapeake Natives
Chesapeake Natives is transforming the Mid-Atlantic, one plant at a time
Interview with Allison Cummings, New England Gardener
Learn tips and tricks for growing “food and beauty” from a New England gardener
Interview with Liz Harden, Nursery Manager at ARRC Native Nursery
The Mid-Atlantic native expert shares tips and inspiration

Know someone who should be interviewed?
Want to be interviewed?
We’re here for it!

Email [email protected] with ideas.