Virginia Bluebells


When native bees and butterflies first venture out in the spring, they desperately need flowers that provide nectar. If you love a flower that does that and changes from pink to purple to blue all on the same plant, you’ll want Virginia bluebells in your life. These stunning native wildflowers are long-lasting, cheerful, and easy to grow in the garden. Scroll on for planting tips.

Virginia Bluebells
Latin name:
Mertensia virginica
A field bursting with native Virginia Bluebells in the spring (plant with other natives to ensure it looks this good in the summer and fall)

Written by Louise Lerner. By day, Louise is a science writer with the University of Chicago; on the weekends, she's a gardener and nature enthusiast.

Virginia Bluebells
In this article, we'll cover

What are the benefits of planting Virginia bluebells?

This native plant offers so much beauty for minimal work. Here are three reasons why these flowers are worthy of a spot in your yard: 

They’re beautiful and easy to grow.

Virginia bluebells are one of our most stunning native wildflowers—and they are a top-grade plant for gardens. They are native to moist woodlands, but they are very adaptable and happily grow in many types of soil. They will come back year after year in your garden.

They help native pollinators at a crucial time.

Bees, especially bumblebees, adore Virginia bluebells—you will often see little bumblebee butts disappearing up the cones of the flowers. These flowers are also favorites of butterflies, flies, skippers, moths, and even hummingbirds. It’s super important for native pollinators to have sources of nectar in the spring as they emerge from hibernation, and unfortunately, non-native plants like daffodils have little to offer them, so plant some Virginia bluebells!

They bloom forever.

Virginia bluebells bloom for an absurdly long time—three to four weeks in mid-spring. They will keep blooming long after the tulips and daffodils in your garden have come and gone.

Virginia Bluebell's native range is HUGE. Map from USDA Plants.

Where are Virginia Bluebells native?

Virginia bluebells are native to much of the Midwest and eastern U.S. They are typically found in moist woodlands, in floodplains, and along streambeds. See their native range here.

Early pollinators rely on ephemerals like Virginia Bluebell for food

Do Virginia bluebells come back every year?

Yes! If Virginia bluebells are happy, they will come back every year. They will self-seed and spread, too (though not uncontrollably).

Are there other kinds of bluebells?

Virginia bluebells are probably the most well-known and widespread, but they have many cousins. There are 21 native Mertensia species in North America, all adapted to their own specific areas. 

If Virginia bluebells are not native to your area, there is a related bluebell that is! For example, if you live in the Western states, your species might be Tall Fringed Bluebells, Mertensia ciliata. 

Note that none of these are the same plant as Bluebell Bellflower, which is in a totally different plant family and blooms in the summer and fall instead of spring.

Native flowers similar to Virginia Bluebells

There are a few other natives that look and behave similarly, with different coloring and heights:

Sundial Lupine
Bluebell Bellflower
Blue-Eyed Grass

How to grow Virginia bluebells

Virginia bluebells like to grow in partial to full shade in moist, rich soil, but they are very adaptable except for very dry locations. They look stunning in masses underneath trees or at the foundations of houses, and will spread if they’re happy. 

One important thing to know is that Virginia bluebells are spring ephemeral plants, meaning they come up in the spring, bloom, and then the foliage wilts back to the ground in early summer. Don’t worry—this is part of their natural cycle and they’ll come back next spring. Tulips and daffodils do the same thing.

But if you are planting Virginia Bluebells in a garden, you’ll probably want to mingle them with summer-blooming plants that will grow in and cover the gaps where the foliage dies back. Some ideas for this are ferns, Foamflower, Solomon’s seal, and woodland asters (see more below). Just make sure to mark where they are; you don’t want to dig up and disturb the roots while they are sleeping comfortably through summer, fall, and winter.

Can I grow Virginia Bluebells from seed?

Virginia bluebells are somewhat finicky to start from seed, so we recommend buying them as plants and planting them in the spring. You can often find them in good local native-friendly garden centers in spring, but check out a list of native nursery sources near you or online.

Tips for planting new Virginia Bluebell plants

When you plant your new little Virginia bluebells, give them and the area a good thorough drink of water and consider adding some mulch to keep them moist while their roots establish themselves in the new place

After that, you’re done! The plant leaves will wilt back to the ground in summer. You can leave them where they are or cut the dead foliage back if the sight is bothersome. (Just make sure to wait until the leaves are completely dead first). Then, next spring, you will see the little leaves begin to poke up—in fact, they will start out purple!

No matter what you call them, these native flowers are great underneath trees

What’s in a name?

People have loved Virginia bluebells so much over the years that they have a ton of names. Depending on where you’re from, you might call them: Blue-and-pink ladies, eastern bluebells, chiming bells, Virginia cowslip, lungwort oysterleaf, Jefferson’s blue funnel flowers, or Roanoke bells. 

Want to make sure you’re got the right plant? Look for the Latin name Mertensia virginica.

Where can I find Virginia Bluebells?

It might take a little extra energy to find this native gem, but it is worth it! Here are some recommendations for sourcing this native plant:

Virginia Bluebells

Where can I find seeds and plants?

Finding native plants can be challenging (we partly blame Marie Antoinette.) To make it easier, we’ve assembled four sourcing ideas.

Native Nursery List

100+ native nurseries makes finding one a breeze

Online Native Plant Sellers

We've included 100+ online resources to help

Society Plant Sales

Every state has a native plant society; find yours

Online Communities

Local Facebook groups are a great plant source

What are good pairings for Virginia Bluebells?

Virginia bluebells look stunning with other spring bulbs you might already have in your garden, including daffodils, tulips, and bleeding heart. For an all-native spring look, pair them with trillium, shooting stars, celandine poppy, and wild geranium

Since Virginia bluebells naturally die back in early summer, you’ll probably want to interplant them with summer-blooming plants to fill the gaps in your garden. Some good options are ferns, Solomon’s seal, woodland asters, foamflowers, Turk’s-cap lily, or green-and-gold

And that sums up our beginner’s guide to beautiful native flower Virginia Bluebells. These long-lasting, long-blooming flowers deliver nectar for pollinators at an important time while also brightening up your shady springtime garden. Because they are perennials, plant once and watch them thrive for years to come. Looking for other fuss-free native ideas? Visit our guide to the best native trees for front yards or native plants that are easy to grow from seed. Happy planting!

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