Native Plant Nurseries

Discover 300+ Native Plant Nurseries Across the U.S.

Struggling to find native plants? Skip the big-box stores and head straight to a nursery that specializes in them! These nurseries are dedicated to growing and selling native species, offering a wider selection and expert advice.

To make your search easier, we’ve organized this list by region—perfect for planning a plant-shopping road trip or sourcing plants as close to home as possible for local adaptability. Happy planting!

Native plant nurseries, organized by region

Note: Please check to make sure sellers are still operational. Small businesses can disappear or require appointments. Wholesale-only sellers are removed from this list. Please email if you find an error or omission.

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California + Nevada

To search California via a map, CalScape has a great overview of native plant nurseries. California and Nevada native plant nurseries include:


Mid-Atlantic native nurseries include: 

Southeastern Pennsylvania

Central + South Central Pennsylvania

Western Pennsylvania

Central Maryland

Northern Maryland

Eastern Shore

Southern Maryland

Western Maryland

North Jersey

Central Jersey

South Jersey

Central Virginia

Northern Virginia

Shenandoah Valley

Southwest Virginia

Tidewater / Eastern Virginia

Piedmont Virginia


Midwest native nurseries include:

Northern Illinois

Central Illinois

Southern Illinois

Surrounding Region

Northern Indiana

Central Indiana

Southern Indiana

Eastern Iowa

Central Iowa

Western Iowa

Southern Iowa

Upper Peninsula

Northern Lower Peninsula

Western Lower Peninsula

Eastern Lower Peninsula

Southwestern Lower Peninsula

Southeastern Lower Peninsula

Twin Cities Metro

Southern Minnesota

West/Central Minnesota

Northern Minnesota

St. Louis Metro

Central Missouri

Southwest Missouri

Southern Missouri

Northeast Missouri

Statewide Resources

Eastern Nebraska

Statewide Resources

Central Ohio

Northeast Ohio

Northwest Ohio

Southwest Ohio

Statewide Resources

Central Wisconsin

Northwest Wisconsin

Northeastern Wisconsin

South Central Wisconsin

Southeastern Wisconsin


Northeast native nurseries include:

Southern Maine

Midcoast Maine

Central + North Central Maine

Downeast Maine

Western Massachusetts

Central Massachusetts

Greater Boston + Northeastern MA

Southeastern Massachusetts

Cape Cod & The Islands

Central New York

Hudson Valley

Capital Region

Long Island

Adirondack Region


(Note from The Plant Native: I’m still working on building this section out! Please email with any ideas for inclusion.)

Northwest native nurseries include:

Northwest Oregon

Willamette Valley

Southwest Oregon

Central & Eastern Oregon

Coastal Oregon

Western Washington

Northwest Washington

Eastern Washington

Olympic Peninsula

Puget Sound Region


(Note from The Plant Native: I’m still working on building this section out! Please email with any ideas for inclusion.)

Southern native nurseries include:


Southwest native nurseries include:

Thanks to Lorraine from Nevada, Pamela from New Mexico, Rachel from New York, Rhonda from Oklahoma, Yvette from Tennessee, Courtney from Ohio, and Kay from Oregon for emailing with additions!

Did we miss something?

We bet we did! Email us at [email protected] and let us know what needs to be added. This site is updated regularly.

Page last updated:

Plant native, shop native

Wow, did you make it through that list? Congratulations on your scrolling prowess. As long as that list is, it’s still not enough.

To put it in perspective:

Massachusetts has around 25 native plant nurseries alongside 3,162 Dunkin Doughnuts.

Let’s spend our money at these local heroes’ shops as we build our gardens, and hopefully encourage these businesses to grow (pun intended.) We all have the power to plant native and help butterflies, songbirds, and hummingbirds flourish. Your yard can have a positive impact, and take less time than lawn care. Wondering what to plant? Visit our most popular guides, including Beginners Guide to Native Magnolias, Beginner’s Guide to Native Hydrangeas, or Beginner’s Guide to Coneflowers. Happy planting!

Order Native Plants Online
Where can I buy native plants?
Native Plant Books
Native Plant Societies
Native Plant Profiles