Native Azaleas: A Beginner’s Guide


Native azaleas are extraordinary sights when they bloom, in part because they have minimal leaves when flowering. Seventeen species of azalea are native to North America, each with flowers that range from white, pink, yellow, or orange. They are not just for the spring: their leaves turn fiery colors in the fall before dropping off. If you live anywhere in the eastern US from New Hampshire to Florida, or on the West Coast in California or Oregon, you can happily plant these beautiful shrubs. Scroll on to meet some favorites.

Latin name:
Rhododendron genus
Garden goals...right?

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Explore the history, types, and where to plant native azaleas

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Azaleas are found worldwide, with over a dozen native options available for North American gardens. No matter the species, all azaleas cover themselves with hundreds of five-petaled flowers in the spring. This shrub (or bush? whatever your naming preference) is a pollinator’s dream. In this article, we will cover the differences between non-native and native azaleas, introduce a few native options (with pictures!) and share tips for planting.

Let’s get started with a basic question.

What is the difference between native vs. non-native azaleas?

There are thousands of azaleas worldwide, most of which come from Asia. Seventeen azalea species are native to North America. (This number comes from the Azalea Society of America; we’ve seen it range from 14 to 18 depending on the source.)

Here are the general differences between non-native and native azaleas:

A native Piedmont Azalea begins its blooms

Native Azaleas

  • Lose leaves in winter (deciduous)
  • Five petals, long, eyelash-y stamens
  • Flowers smell fantastic!
  • More airy, open shape
  • Require minimal care: happy with rain when established, thrive in Southern climates
A non-native azalea (Rhododendron simsii)

Non-Native Azaleas

  • Most are evergreen
  • Five petals, short stamens
  • Most flowers have no smell
  • Dense, mounded shape
  • Can require special care: fertilizing, pruning, watching out for root rot and other diseases

And now you’re probably wondering if the azaleas in your yard or nearby are native—right?

Sad news: most azaleas in American landscapes are non-native

This bummed us out when we realized it.

Drive around along the Mid-Atlantic or South in the spring, and you’ll see a riot of azalea shrubs in bloom. Sadly—very few of the azaleas in American landscapes are native species.

American landscaping trends have favored evergreen, non-native azaleas since the 1800s, which is why the bulk of azaleas in our landscapes are non-native.

Even iconic southern azalea gardens are mostly non-native

If you’ve been to any well-known azalea gardens or festivals in the south—Summerville, South Carolina’s Azalea Park, Flowerfest, and the Magnolia Plantation—we have some sad news. The vast majority of azaleas planted in southern parks and gardens are non-native Asian species.

And now you may be asking…

A Flame Azalea can carry an entire garden solo, thanks to its incredible blooms

What are the benefits of planting a native azalea?

Besides all the reasons mentioned earlier—fragrant flowers and iconic blooms—there are many reasons to plant native azaleas and native plants in general. Here are three benefits of planting native azaleas:

  1. Support wildlife: without native plants, iconic animals like Monarch butterflies and songbirds won’t have the food or homes needed to survive.
  2. Native plants save time and money: after the first year of getting established, native plants are happy with rain.
  3. Fuss-free beauty: Native plants are gorgeous! Azaleas are a perfect example of how beautiful and resilient native plants are—they are always the best choice for our gardens.

Now, let’s meet some azaleas native to North America.

North American Native Azaleas

Native azalea flowers run from white to pink to yellow. Organized in alphabetical order of their common name, below. Meet the seventeen native azaleas of North America, below. Organized roughly into region.

Azaleas for the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and South

These azaleas have wide native ranges; sometimes from New York down to the South.

Flame Azalea

Rhododendron calendulaceum

The name tells you the color before you ever see it. Warm glowing flowers come in the spring. Native Flame Azaleas can come in a range of warm colors, making them known as “one of the most spectacular native shrubs of the Appalachian Mountains.” Flame Azaleas grow to 6-12 feet tall and like part shade to shade. Native from New York south to Alabama.

Pinxterbloom Azalea

Rhododendron periclymenoides

What a beautiful pink azalea! Light pink petals frame red stamens, a dramatic combination. It is native from New Hampshire to Alabama. Shade to part shade work best. Uri Lorimer, who heads the Native Plant Trust recommends Pinxterblooms for New England gardens.

Swamp Azalea

Rhododendron viscosum

Swamp Azaleas—what a terrible name for a beautiful plant! Similar to Alabama Azaleas, Swamp Azaleas have beautiful white flowers. They have a huge native range: look for them on stream banks from Maine to Georgia and west to Texas.

Sweet or Smooth Azalea

Rhododendron Arborescens

Sweet Azaleas (also sometimes called Smooth Azaleas) have delicate white to pale yellow flowers and long red stamens, which look almost like eyelashes. They also smell amazing. Leaves turn a bright reddish-orange before they drop in the fall. Sweet Azaleas like part shade to shade and grow up to 9-20 feet tall. Native from New York to Mississippi.

Azaleas for the South

These azaleas don’t mind the heat and weather of the southern United States.

Alabama Azalea

Rhododendron alabamense

Alabama Azaleas offer a classic white flower with delicate yellow radiating from its center. The flowers also have a lovely lemony fragrance. It is perhaps the most black-tie of the native Azalea bunch. Native to a smaller, all-Southern range: Tennessee to Florida.

Florida Flame Azalea

Rhododendron austrinum

A little more buttery than its ‘flame’ cousin, the Florida Flame Azalea is usually easy to find in native nurseries, particularly in the south. Florida Flame blossoms also have a sweet smell, which no doubt helps make them a favorite of pollinators and homeowners. It flowers a little later than Piedmonts. Plant a few Piedmonts next to Florida Flames for a truly spectacular spring. Florida Flame Azaleas grow to 5-12 feet tall and like a wide range of light: sun to shade. Native to the the hot, humid south: from Florida to Mississippi.

Piedmont or Mountain Azalea

Rhododendron canescens

Piedmont Azaleas (also called Mountain Azaleas) are the most common native azalea in the South; they can handle hot southern summers and even sunny garden placement. They grow natively from Tennessee south to central Florida, and west to Texas. In the south, they flower in March (sometimes flowers come before the leaves!) In northern climates, expect flowers in May.

Plumleaf Azalea

Rhododendron prunifolium

A warm orange, reddish hue helps these bushes look almost in flame from a distance. Native to just two states: Mississippi and Alabama, but happily grows outside its range. This is the latest blooming of the east coast azaleas, blooming from July through to August.

Azaleas for the West Coast

There is just one azalea native to the West Coast (California and Oregon, specifically.) But wow—what a stunner.

Western or Pacific Azalea

Rhododendron occidentale

Let’s end with the native azalea for those on the West Coast: Western Azaleas. And what a beauty! Pink flowers with radiant orange centers help attract pollinators (and Instagram pictures). Western Azaleas are native to California and Oregon.

Want to see all those azaleas at a glance? Here they are, organized by bloom time:

Common NameSpeciesBloom TimeColors
Pinxterbloom AzaleaR. periclymenoidesApril/MayPink
Piedmont/Mountain AzaleaR. canescensApril/MayWhite
Coastal AzaleaR. atlanticumMay/JuneWhite
Swamp AzaleaR. viscosumMay/JuneWhite
Flame AzaleaR. calendulaceumMay/JuneYellow, Orange
Cumberland AzaleaR. bakeriJuneRed
Florida Flame AzaleaR. austrinumJuneYellow
Sweet AzaleaR. arborescensJune/JulyWhite
Plumleaf AzaleaR. prunifoliumJuly/AugustRed, Orange

Other native azaleas

Besides the azaleas we just met, other native azaleas are either native to smaller regions or difficult to find in nurseries. If you see these at a native nursery, plant sale, or elsewhere—scoop them up immediately! If you spot them in the wild or in a botanical garden, take many pictures (but leave them alone.)

Other native azaleas include:

A rhododendron looks very similar to azaleas

Azalea vs. Rhododendrons — what's the difference?

Both shrubs flower. Both plants are in the Rhododendron genus. But to keep it super simple (and not go too plant nerd):

  • Azaleas lose their leaves in the winter (deciduous
  • Rhododendrons are evergreen (keep their leaves year-round)

Congrats, you’ve met all seventeen native azaleas! Now, let’s talk about how to grow them in your yard. Here are some helpful tips that are applicable no matter where you live, and no matter what species you plant.

How do you grow native azaleas?

During the first year of planting an azalea, it’s essential to ensure the roots get consistent water. This will help the plant stay healthy and come back with blooms for years to come. This first year is like freshman year for plants. In gardening, it’s called “getting established.”

Planting azaleas in the fall

Fall is the ideal time to plant azaleas because they will spend all their energy on roots, and not on making flowers or leaves. Oftentimes, local nurseries offer sales in the fall to help clean out stock and prepare for spring. This is a great time to find native azaleas affordably and plant them during an ideal time for their growth and health. Azaleas planted in the fall will bloom in the spring.

Planting azaleas in the winter and spring

When you plant azaleas in the winter or spring, make sure to give them extra water during dry periods. The roots in particular need consistent water during the first year, especially for good flowering. A good rule of thumb is “moist but not soggy.” If you see water pooled around the azalea, hold back on watering.

Planting azaleas in the summer

It is even more crucial to give azaleas planted in the summer consistent water. If this will be a challenge for you (summer vacations are important!)—wait to plant until the fall. The first year planted, the roots will need watering whenever there is a dry or hot period. This will help them develop strong roots, even during summer heat. After the first year, azaleas should be fine with just rain.

Flame Azaleas and Florida Flame Azaleas putting on a show

Where should I plant native azaleas?

Azaleas are naturally found in forests beneath trees (the above picture is a perfect example.) They enjoy the sun in the spring and flower before the leaves grow and put them in persistent shade.

In our yards, they like a little bit of protection from the sun. They especially thrive:

  • Up against houses or buildings
  • As a hedgerow for driveways or property lines
  • In front walkways, underneath statement trees (as seen above)
One of the coolest things about native azaleas is that they flower *before* the leaves fill out

Where can I find native azaleas?

We won’t lie: sometimes, finding a specific native plant can be challenging, especially when visiting conventional nurseries. But you can find native azaleas if you know where to look!

Here are four ideas for sourcing native azaleas for your yard:

Native Azaleas: A Beginner’s Guide

Where can I find seeds and plants?

Finding native plants can be challenging (we partly blame Marie Antoinette.) To make it easier, we’ve assembled four sourcing ideas.

Native Nursery List

100+ native nurseries makes finding one a breeze

Online Communities

Local Facebook groups are a great plant source

What happens if I plant an azalea in the wrong spot?

Don’t worry if you plant an azalea in the wrong spot; just move it to a better place. In deep shady areas, azaleas will become scraggly and not flower as much as when they are in dappled sun. Or, sometimes an azalea’s leaves will brown, showing it’s getting too much sun.

If either happens—don’t worry! It’s so easy to fix gardening mistakes!

Just get out a shovel, make a wide hole around the root ball, and move the azalea to a better spot. Every gardener moves plants around. If you’re worried about making a planting mistake, read this pep talk on how to recover quickly.

Do azaleas need pruning?

Unless you are looking for a more manicured shape, there is no need to prune native azaleas. According to Gil Nelson’s Best Native Plants for Southern Gardens, “Allowing [azalea] plants to assume their natural form ensures more profuse flowering, a more charming habit, and a more naturalistic garden.”

What pairs well with native azaleas?

There are so many native plants that look great and pair nicely with native azaleas. Here are some stellar combinations for your garden.

Golden Alexander
Mountain Laurel
Sweetbay Magnolia
A white Sweetbay Magnolia flower blooming, photographed growing on a branch of the Sweetbay Magnolia tree.

Or, dive into our regional guides to find what works best in your area:

Let’s all plant native azaleas

Native azaleas are a beautiful and easy-to-care-for addition to any garden. Their stunning flowers (that often smell amazing) are accompanied by leaves that turn vibrant colors in the fall. Native azaleas are perennials, meaning they will come back year after year looking better and better. Plant one (or a few!) native azaleas and enjoy years of blooms. Happy planting!

Next steps and resources:

There are lots of well-known plants that have native options available. Explore our beginner guides to native favorites:

Email [email protected]. This site is updated regularly, and sources are linked at the bottom of all content.
